--------------------------- ODBCConf Usage --------------------------- ODBCConf.exe -- perform various MDAC install actions. Switches: /H, /? - Displays this usage dialog /S - Silent, Don't display any error messages /C - Continue executing actions even if an action fails /R - Perform the actions after reboot /F - Use a Response File, followed by the filename /E - Erase the Response File when done /L - Enable Logging, followed by a mode and filename Log modes: n (normal), v (verbose), d (debug) example '/Lv log.txt' Verbose logging to log.txt /A - List an action. Actions are listed in {} Actions: SETFILEDSNDIR INSTALLDRIVER INSTALLTRANSLATOR CONFIGDRIVER CONFIGDSN CONFIGSYSDSN REGSVR Examples: ODBCConf INSTALLDRIVER "My Driver|Driver=c:\Drv.dll|APILevel=2" ODBCConf CONFIGDSN "My Driver" "DSN=testDSN|Server=myServer" ODBCConf /a {REGSVR foo.dll} /a {CONFIGDRIVER "MyDriver" "CPTimeout=60"} ODBCConf /e /f "my response file.log" /Lv log.log --------------------------- OK --------------------------- ODBCConf CONFIGDSN "{0}" "DSN={1}|Server={2}|Database={3}|Trusted_Connection={4}" Description: {0} Driver (SQL Server, Native Client) {1} DNS name {2} Server name {3} Database name {4} Yes/No --------------------------- OK --------------------------- ODBCConf CONFIGDSN "SQL Server" "DSN=Posta SM|Server=server\sql2008|Database=posta_sm|Trusted_Connection=No" POZOR NA MEDZERY!!! ODBC SI LOGIN A HESLO NEUKLADA!!! [General] CLIPKEY=Ano // pouzivanie ENTER ODBC=SAMONEUR // nazov ODBC na hlavnĂș uct. databazu DATABAZA=SAMONEUR // nazov ODBC na hlavnĂș uct. databazu DATABAZA_AKR=SAMONAKR // nazov hlavnej uct. databazy , pre HO SAPO